What do you get when you join or renew membership in the Hatz Biplane Association? You mean besides four quarterly issues per year of the best, most informative newsletters around? You mean besides one of the most outstanding aviation type-club websites on the Internet? Are you asking what besides being among the craziest, most active, most knowledgeable, and just plain nicest gaggle of Hatz Nutz on the planet? You mean even more than our annual fly-ins, seminars at EAA AirVenture, and gathering at Biplane Expo?
Well… not a whole bunch. Just the support for your project from nearly every Hatz and Kelly-D builder out there. Ya know, if you’re going to build the finest personal biplane out there, why not be a part of the fine organization behind it: the Hatz Biplane Association!
The Hatz Biplane Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501c(3) corporation dedicated to the support and education of our members. Come on and join us. And if you’re already a member, here’s a reminder to renew your annual membership. It’s all still only $25 per year!
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